- +513 913-7373
- MasonSkinClinic@gmail.com
- 424 Reading Rd. Second Floor. Mason Ohio 45040
Smooth threads are absorbable surgical polydioxanone (PDO) threads that can be used virtually anywhere on the face or body.
Some of the most popular areas that smooth threads are used to treat include the area near the eyes where crows’ feet appear, the area around the lips, the forehead to reduce fine lines and the area around the mouth where lines form as a person gets older.
Thinner than hair and made of protein, the threads are inserted below the skin to elicit a mild injury that the body responds to by adding structural proteins (fibrin, elastin, collagen), resulting in a smoother, plumper appearance.
Smooth threads can be done every three to four months (same as Botox treatments) and can be a great option for certain areas where Botox is not an option, such as cheeks. It’s also a milder alternative to a surgical facelift, which is both expensive and requires extensive recovery time.